High Current Interface Pins

High Current Interface Pins

  • Interface pins that support 50A – 600A.
  • Can be used as a receiving side for probes like OSPH series.

Dimensions (mm)

Current ΦD Φd e d×P m H w L0 L1 L2 L3
IP03L4000-01 50A 4.5 3.5 8.1 M3.5


2.4 6 4 40 34 9 24
IP05L4000-01 100A 7.0 5 8.0 M5


2.5 6 4 40 34 9 24
IP08L4500-01 200A 10.0 5 8.0 M5


2.5 7 5 45 38 8 28.5
IP13L5200-01 400A 16.0 10 15.0 M10


4.0 9 8 52 43 8 33

[Made to Order]

600A 27.5 20 28.0 M20


5.0 13 11 61 48 8 38


Materials and Plating

Interface Pin Brass, HDA Alloy plated
Nut Brass, HDA Alloy plated

How to assemble